Journey 'The Chosen One Trilogy: Book Two' Page 2
“She had brought me water. She helped me drink and asked me my name and how old I was, so I told her. She said that she was nineteen and that her name was Sonia. She said ‘with an ‘i’, not a ‘y’’. And then she laughed because everybody messed it up. What I remember the most about her was her eyes.” He looked up at me. “They were exactly like yours. That deep green with the gold and grey flecks.
“She asked if I knew what kind of demon I had in me. I told her I was a jaguar, but that it wasn’t a demon; that it was just who I was. She looked at me for a long time. She said they thought I might live because I was young.
“I told her I wouldn’t. If my jaguar died, I would too. It felt so strange talking as if I was two beings. But she needed to understand.
“I’m not sure if she did, but she seemed to think I wasn’t much of a danger and she cut me loose.
“She travelled with me for four days and never said another word to me. I shifted in front of her a few times before I went hunting, to see her reaction, but she never seemed scared.
“On the morning of the fifth day she told me how to get to Candense, which is about three days from where our home was. She said ‘stay safe, Brice’. And then she left.”
We were all quite for a few moments.
“So if that stick is in the Northern Regions, why in the world are we going in that direction?” This was turning into a terrible idea.
Jasper glanced up and smiled. “The Northern Regions are enormous. It takes a good month to cross them no matter what direction you are heading in. We will be on the opposite end of the territory, where the dragons are. Not too many beings go there. The Winged Ones, that’s about it.”
Dodge snorted and I looked at Jasper.
“He said if you see a dragon, hide.”
I started laughing. “That was the plan!”
Jasper frowned at me. “It’s no joke, Hayden. I can protect you from cats, dogs, and the sorts. There’s not much I can do if you burst into flame or turn into ice.”
My felt my eyes bug out of my head. “I think you’d better explain dragons to me.”
Jasper smiled. “Not exactly what you read about in story books?”
I stuck out my tongue at him. “The fire breathing yes. The ice stuff no. What else do they do?”
“Dragons are all born with the power to manipulate one of the elements. Earth, water, wind and fire. You’ll find the earth dragons just about anywhere. They can move boulders, turn the ground into quicksand, turn you into stone, that sort of thing.”
Brice was laughing at the look on my face.
“Water dragons stay close to water. They need an existing source of it to do things. They can make it rain, or throw it at you and turn you to ice, or make tides shift. Wind dragons manipulate the air currents. Fire dragons can throw fire.
Water and fire dragons are rarer than the other two.” He paused, trying to think of what else I might need to know.
“How do you tell them apart?”
“Their eyes. Their scale colors vary but aren’t specific to their type. The eyes are always the same. Earths have brown, waters have blue, winds have grey, and fires have red. Matches with your color waves, no?”
I nodded. That was easy enough to remember.
“It is said that all dragons come from one egg layer who possesses all four powers.”
I cocked an eyebrow at him.
“I swear! Why would I make it up,” he laughed. “I didn’t lie about the Burries, did I?”
I smiled. “I don’t know. I haven’t actually seen a Burrie tree yet, and the thought of little people being born on trees still seems like make belief.”
“Well, the Burrie trees I’ll show you when we go home. As for the egg layer, I’m just repeating what I’ve been told. I haven’t gone out of my way to go searching for the truth and I’m hoping I never get close enough to find out. I’m told not too many beings get that close to the nest and make it out alive.”
Dodge snorted.
“Really?” Brice’s eyes were wide. Obviously he had had his doubts as well. “He said it’s true. Some of the Winged Ones have had to get that close to get their stone.”
“Hmm. One big momma dragon.” I tried to picture it. “Do you know where your stone is, Bud?”
Dodge nodded his head.
“The steam beds? Well, Shlova, at least you’ll be able to have a hot bath.” Jasper grinned at me.
We travelled two more days with no more signs that we were being followed. Up ahead, I could hear the sound of running water.
I felt Dodge gather himself to take a leap over a particularly tall snow drift and braced myself. One second I was looking between my horse’s ears and the next I was covered in snow.
Jasper was beside me in an instant, pulling me out of the drift. “Are you alright?” I could tell he was trying not to laugh. Brice wasn’t being as discreet.
I nodded and looked at Dodge. “Are you?”
He nodded and nuzzled my face.
Jasper brushed the snow off my back. “He says sorry. There was a fallen log under the snow where he landed and he tripped on it.”
I patted Dodge between the eyes. “Not your fault, Buddy.”
Brice was still laughing. “I think you did a full flip and a half before you landed! And then you completely disappeared!” He had to wipe tears out of his eyes.
I made a quick snowball and threw it at him.
“Hey!” He brushed the snow off of his shoulder where it had hit him. He grinned and slowly made a snowball of his own without taking his eyes off of me.
Jasper had already started walking away and Brice gave him a quick glance before looking back at me and jerking his head toward him in silent question.
I smiled, nodded, and proceeded to make another snowball. We wound up and let the snowballs fly at Jasper. Both of them hit their target and Jasper stopped short.
“Oh, shit!” I stepped behind Dodge and Brice shifted before bolting into the trees. Jasper was an orange streak as he bounded after Brice.
I watched, laughing. Brice had time to have a quick glance back before Jasper tackled him into the deep snow. The jaguar managed to roll away and stood to face the tiger. The two of them reared up on their back legs and launched themselves at each other. Jasper had the size advantage and knocked Brice down again. This went on for a few minutes until they seemed to come to a truce. They both shook to get the snow off and two pairs of blue eyes turned towards me.
“Oh, god!” I started running even though I knew it was useless. I couldn’t outrun them when they were human, much less when they were cats. Not to mention that I was laughing too hard to do much running at all.
I stopped and turned to face them. Both of them stopped a few feet from me and shifted back. They were laughing, both of them breathing hard from their wrestling match. Jasper gave Brice an unseen signal and they started to circle around me.
The thought of being tackled and getting buried in the snow was a very displeasing one. I laughed and tried to keep an eye on both of them. I let the grey waves float in front of me. I picked a strong one and hoped my plan would work.
I saw Jasper’s lips curl up slightly just before they ran at me. I threw the wave down at the ground and pushed myself into the air. It wasn’t until I was airborne that I realized I hadn’t thought of how I would get down again. A branch went by me and I grabbed at it, letting the wave go. I looked down and laughed at the look on the men’s faces before I realized how high up I was.
Jasper started to laugh. “Just how do you plan on getting down, Shlova?”
“I hadn’t thought of that and you know it!” I called down to him.
Brice shook his head to get rid of the snow my little windstorm had gusted up.
“How about the three of you go on and find Dodge’s stone and he can get me out of here when he has his wings!” I looked toward the sound of running water and stared in amazement.
On the side of the river that we were on, we were s
till struggling through three feet of snow. Across the river, the grass grew lush and was sprinkled with flowers.
“When do we get to that side of the river?” I called down to the others.
“Before it’s time to make camp if we can get you out of that tree!” Jasper grinned up at me. The wind picked up a bit and ruffled his dark brown curls.
“I didn’t say anything.” Jasper’s eyes narrowed.
Stuck in a tree, I see. The voice chuckled.
“Did you say that?” I asked Brice even though I knew it hadn’t been him.
He shook his head and looked around. “I didn’t hear anything, either.”
Still in need of practice with your greys. I could help get you down if you’d like. The voice was gruff, but female.
I looked around, trying to pinpoint where the voice was coming from.
I’m across the river.
I gazed in that direction and caught my breath.
“What?” Jasper had felt my shock.
“It’s a dragon!”
The dragon in question was standing on all fours, facing us. Its wings were folded against its back. It lowered its head at the sound of Jasper’s voice then raised it again to look at me. The sun made its black scales shimmer with blues and greens. Its red eyes looked into mine.
“Hayden, get down!”
I raised an eyebrow at him. It had to be forty feet to the ground. “What does it matter if the dragon kills me or I die hitting the ground?”
What makes you think I would kill you? Don’t you think I would have done it by now had that been my objective?
“You have a point.” I looked across the river again. “Why didn’t you? I thought dragons were supposed to be blood thirsty beasts?” I should have had to yell for her to hear me, but she must have had great hearing.
The black eyelids closed and laughter rang in my head. I almost did. You’re not at all what I had pictured. Thankfully you looked up when I said hello.
“Hmm. Ok. So how do you propose to get me out of this tree?”
“Hayden! What are you doing?”
“She’s going to get me out of the tree.”
Jasper’s eyes bugged out of his head. “Are you crazy?”
Tell your mate all is fine. A dragon would never dream of harming the Chosen One.
I looked down at my friends. “She said not to worry. A dragon would never dream of harming the Chosen One.” I wrinkled my nose at the title.
All three of them looked toward the river. From their vantage point they couldn’t see the river or the black creature.
She spread her wings and pushed up off of the ground. The grass under her flattened with the force of the air currents she was causing with her wings. She quickly flew over the river, landed in the snow on the other side, and started to walk toward us. The closer she got, the more impressive she became.
“Don’t worry, you guys. I think she’s nice.”
Dodge swished his tail.
Brice’s eyes were fixed on the black form coming closer. “He said only you, Hayden.”
I grinned at them.
The dragon had stopped a few feet in front them and they had to look up at her.
Both Jasper and the dragon looked up to me at the same time. “What’s so amusing, Shlova?”
The black head turned to him then back to me. Yes. Please do fill us in.
“Ugh. Not you, too!” I glared at the two of them.
Jasper looked up at the dragon and smiled. “It can be very entertaining.”
I imagine so. Just the realization of being stuck in the tree was quite amusing.
“She said she believes you,” I grumbled. “And I was just thinking that you are a lot smaller than what I thought dragons would be.”
She was about ten feet tall and at least thirty feet from the end of her nose to the tip of her tail.
I’m average size for a fire dragon. So. Hayden, is it? I am Faren.
“Nice to meet you, Faren.” I introduced her to the rest.
She looked up at me and cocked her head. You’re a bit higher than I thought. She looked down at Jasper. How is his balance?
I smiled. “He’s a cat.”
Faren seemed satisfied with this answer. Tell him he’ll need to put one foot on my nose and the other on the top of my head. I’ll stand and stretch up. You might have to let yourself drop down to him.
Jasper did as he was told and stood on Faren’s head, squatting like a surfer. She stood slowly onto her hind legs and stretched up as far as she could. When she was done, Jasper stood and looked up at me.
“There’s no way I’m jumping.” There was still a good ten feet between Jasper and I.
“Look, Shlova. You got yourself up here, now you have to come down.”
Your mate is right. You can’t just stay up here. We actually don’t have much time to spare before Ternach sniffs you out.
“Who’s Ternach?”
Jump and I’ll tell you.
“Hayden, saunt.” Jasper used his best captain of the guard, you will follow my order, voice.
It was hard to ignore that voice. I closed my eyes and jumped straight down. His arms wrapped around me and I clung to him. I didn’t open my eyes until he set me on the ground.
“We really should find you a sorceress that can teach you a displacement spell,” Jasper was laughing.
I turned red. “Ugh. The thought of being dumped in the snow was too much.” I smiled at him. “I am so tired of being cold. I had a dream that we were sleeping at home last night.”
He hugged me to him. “I know. You felt how you do when we fall asleep by the fireplace.”
What I would like to know is why you have come here?
“Queen Melana has an order out to get me to Pinsaber. I don’t want to go there. I don’t want to fight anybody. We came to find Dodge’s stone. Jasper thought it might be a good place to hide until things settled down around Sageden again.”
The big black head shook from side to side. It’s not any safer for you here. Ternach is looking for you. At least the Namael queen doesn’t want you harmed. The Mother sent me to warn you. You must not enter the Northern Regions. It is not safe.
I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach. “Who is Ternach, and why does he want me harmed?”
Two pairs of blue and one pair of brown eyes narrowed and looked into the red pair that was looking at me.
“Ternach is a myth.” Brice looked over to Jasper.
“What is she saying?” demanded Jasper impatiently.
I had to laugh. “Annoying isn’t it?”
He is the Evertimeless and he is definitely not a myth. He has been around since the start of time and will still be here when time stops. The humans have been giving gifts to ease his anger since they decided to colonize this part of the land. It seems they are the ones who are not overly fond of you. Ternach has agreed to capture you for additional gifts.
“What does he look like?”
Everything and nothing. He never looks the same way twice.
“And why do the humans want me?”
We don’t know. He won’t tell us.
I relayed all of this information to the other three.
Dodge snorted and stamped a foot.
Brice translated. “He wants to head back to Sageden.”
“No. We’re here.” I put a hand on my horse’s forehead. “You need to find your stone.”
Faren looked down at me then over to Jasper. Surely he loves you enough to talk some sense into you.
I repeated this to him and was taken aback when he started to laugh. We all stared at him, wondering what had been so funny.
He grinned at me, gave me a kiss, still laughing, and put an arm around my shoulder before turning back to Faren. “I love her so much that I would trade my life for hers in an instant if it came to that. I would live in pain for the rest of my life if I had to.” He put his free hand in his pocket and I k
new he was feeling his cross gem, thinking of what it would feel like to follow me to my other world. “I could tell her every minute of every day that we are together and it wouldn’t come close to letting her know how I feel.”
I was wondering where he was going with this even if I did get a great feeling as he professed his feelings for me to everyone.
He smiled at me. “I love Hayden because of everything she is. She is a great healer. She is a caring friend. She is a terrific aunt. She is my mate, my wife.” He gave my shoulder a squeeze.
I looked up at him and saw that he was about to start laughing again. “Everything that she has experienced and done, that she has felt, is what makes her who she is; makes her the one that I love. She is loving, loyal, fair, passionate and trusting. And one of her most commanding traits is that she is stubborn as hell.” He stopped my protest with a long kiss that left me breathless. He looked up at Faren, his eyes laughing. “So do I love her enough to talk some sense into her? I do. Do I think it’s worth the headache when I know she’s already made up her mind? No.”
I smiled up at him. “I told you. I’m not stubborn.”
“I know, Shlova. You just know what you want.” He looked at Faren again. “If I could, I would. But since I can’t, and trust me, I’ve tried, then I stand by her side and keep her safe.”
The wind picked up and he glanced at me when I shivered. “So, Shlova, how about we get over that river so you can be warm.”
“That sounds great.”
Where is the Winged One’s gem?
I looked up at Faren. “In the steam beds.”
She nodded. Alright, let’s go then. The sooner he finds it, the faster I can get you out of this area. If we’re lucky, Ternach will never know you were here. She held a wing out and dropped onto her knees. I’ll feel better if you ride me, Chosen One.
I looked up at her. “I’ll ride you if you promise me two things.”
“You have to promise to stay close to these guys. No getting ahead, no whisking me away.”