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Journey 'The Chosen One Trilogy: Book Two' Page 9
Journey 'The Chosen One Trilogy: Book Two' Read online
Page 9
“I only saw Faren’s.” Everyone looked at me. “I guess I could try.”
I looked at Jasper and concentrated. I nudged him gently with my magic and was rewarded with a very faint light blue aura. I smiled.
“Try me,” offered Luke.
I pushed my nudge toward him. “Dark blue.”
“What about me?” Tara grinned.
I turned my attention to her. “Faren had it wrong. She couldn’t remember. She said purple. It’s more like lavender.”
“Ooh! Do me!” Leslie turned so that she was fully facing me.
I nudged her and smiled. “Dark green.”
“At the risk of sounding like I don’t trust anyone, with everything we just went through, how about you check everybody.” Jasper looked over the group.
No one objected and I ran through all of them.
I lift my cup of jeckden and smiled. “To being home.”
Everyone followed suit and shot back the drink. Jasper passed the bottle around again and the cups were refilled.
“To Brice.” He cleared his throat and put a hand on my shoulder. “To a brother lost in battle. May his energy find its way into good hands.”
“To Brice.”
Zane took a long drink of sloan and frowned. “Did it occur to anyone else that this just turned from a war between the Namaels and the Majs to a war between all shifters and the humans?”
“And we’re the only ones who know it,” stated Ben.
Everyone was quiet.
“I guess running and hiding isn’t an option anymore.” As much as I hated to admit it, the only thing to do here was to get involved.
Jasper’s eyes narrowed. “How in the world are we going to convince Melana and Damian to strike a truce long enough to deal with the humans?”
I leaned against him. “Man, this sucks.”
“Well, it’s not going to be a problem we can solve in the late hours of the night,” reasoned Brinnan.
“Uncle Brinnan is right. I need some sleep. Help yourselves to whatever, you guys. I’ll see you all in the morning.” I kissed Jasper softly and gave everyone else a hug.
I got out of my clothes and pulled on one of Jasper’s shirts to sleep in. Within minutes I was dead to the world.
The following day everybody had a quick breakfast before heading off in their different directions. Tara and Ben had to head back to Sageden to deal with a client who wanted three new dresses done by the following month. Fillian and Brinnan were heading home as well so that they could continue caring for two sick beings in their care. I promised Fillian to come back to work and help with healing as soon as I was rested again. Jasper, Luke, Zane, and Alex were heading out with Cholta to help him fix his barn. Trent and Tyler were running around, more than a little excited to be going along.
Mel on the other hand, didn’t seem as enthusiastic. She gave both of the boys hugs. “You pups be good and do as you’re told.”
“We will, mom!” Trent gave her another hug.
“Geez, mom. Don’t worry so much!” Tyler tried to hide a suddenly nervous look on his face.
Mel stood and kissed Luke. “You bring those two back to me.”
He laughed at her. “Mel, they’ll be just fine. It’s not like I’m taking them to a battle. We’re going to fix a roof.” He kissed her softly and ran a hand over her long black hair. “Don’t miss me too much,” he grinned at her.
She laughed. “I’ll try.”
A little to their left, Zane and Dawn were saying their goodbyes. Dawn was standing on her tip toes while he bent over to give her a long tender kiss. He looked torn as he glanced up to where Luke and the twins were sitting, waiting in wolf form. Dawn giggled as he started to walk away then ran back for a few more quick kisses.
Alex gave Leslie long kiss. “I can stay if you want.”
She laughed. “Go. I’m sure I can stay out of trouble for a few days.”
“I know. It’s just…”
“I know.” She kissed him again. “Go. They say distance makes the heart grow fonder.”
“My heart doesn’t have to get fonder. You know that. I…” He looked flustered.
“I know. Me too.”
He nodded. “I’ll be back soon.” He shifted and the lion went to stand by the wolves.
I wrapped my arms around Jasper and lay my head on his chest.
Jasper looked down at me, his eyes almost as conflicted as Zane’s. “I’ll try not to take too long.”
I smiled at him. “I’ll be fine. Just think. A few days with just the girls. I’m sure we’ll have lots to complain about while you guys are gone.”
He laughed. “It’s not you I’m worried about. I don’t know if I can make it that long.”
He bent down and kissed me softly. “A vais menk yan,” he whispered.
I sighed. “I’ll miss you more.”
He chuckled. I was probably right. At least he was going to be busy fixing the barn. He gave me one last kiss and started walking towards Luke and the twins.
“Let’s go Zane!” Jasper laughed at his friend. Zane looked stuck in place.
Dawn gave him a shove and laughed. “Go! The faster you leave, the sooner you can come back!”
That seemed to help. He gave her one more quick kiss and jogged to catch up with Jasper. Jasper gave him a pat on the back and the two of them shifted and leaped off to catch the others.
The four of us stood and watched until they had disappeared into the woods.
“Does it get any easier?” I asked Mel. I had only been fated to Jasper for two years and every time we parted ways for any amount of time it felt as if a part of me was leaving.
She shook her head. “No. At least the past eleven years, if he left, I had the pups to keep me occupied. This feels just like the first time again.”
“This is going to be a long few days.” I looked to the woods again.
“Ooh! Let’s go fishing!” Dawn suggested.
“Sure. May was well.” Mel laughed.
We set our things up by the river, enjoying the warm weather as it melted away some of the snow. Mel, Leslie and I had our lines in, waiting for bites. Dawn looked at us, head tilted like a dog’s.
“That looks boring.”
I laughed. “How do you do it?”
She grinned and shifted. I watched in amazement as she stood on the river bank, staring intently into the water. She sprang into the river, completely disappearing under the waves. When she reappeared she was a little farther down river with a fish in her mouth.
“That was great!” I exclaimed as she pulled herself onto the shore and shook dry.
Mel laughed. “Foxes.”
We stayed and relaxed for a few more hours until the wind picked up and started to blow the snow around. Overhead the clouds darkened.
Mel got up. “It looks like we had better get back.”
We gathered everything up and started toward the cave. The wind continued to pick up and the snow started to fall. By the time we got to our house Leslie and I were frozen.
I started a fire and threw on more wood than necessary. Once our fingers had warmed up, we got to work cleaning the fish.
Every once in a while one of us would look out the window into the storm. Every time that happened we would reassure ourselves that the men were fine. It wasn’t like they were out hunting. They were at Cholta’s and had his house for shelter if needed.
The storm lasted the rest of the day and all through the night.
When we awoke the next morning the sun was shining and the clearing was sparkling with all of the new snow.
I wished Jasper had been here to see it.
Mel was saying something to Dawn but I wasn’t paying attention. Outside, on the edge of the creek, was a herd of deer.
“It doesn’t get more beautiful than this.” I smiled.
Mel and Dawn looked outside.
“Just because I would love a camera, one wouldn’t work
here!” I complained.
Both of them looked at me as I ran to the bedroom and came back.
When Tara had come back she had been thoughtful enough to bring me some things she thought I might like. One of the boxes had included my art things. I put my canvas on the easel and set my paints up. I worked quickly, scared the deer would move away.
When I was done I stepped back and looked at the painting. It was lacking some of the perfectness of the moment, but at least I would be able to show Jasper.
“Wow!” exclaimed Dawn. “That’s great!”
I blushed. “Thanks.”
We spent the next two days chatting about anything and everything. I laughed at the stories Mel had to tell about Luke, Jasper and the twins.
“I swear,” she grinned. “They are worse than the boys are when they all get going!”
By day number five we were all getting a little restless.
“Do you know something else that would be handy right about now?”
The three of them looked at me.
“Cell phones!”
Since none of them had crossed to my world I explained the concept to them.
“That would be handy!” Mel looked awed.
“So I’m curious,” started Dawn. “Leslie. That has to be short for something.”
Leslie laughed. “It is. Alex started calling me that because he couldn’t say my name. It’s actually Reztlangquanhthleslie.”
We all stared at her. “Leslie it is!” laughed Dawn.
Mel leaned forward a bit. “So how does it work? The two of you. I had heard Fairends didn’t fate.”
“We don’t. We live alone. Every seven to ten years, we are all called to meet. That’s where we mate. It’s purely hormones, really. I was too young when the last meeting occurred. That was six years ago.
“With Alex, it’s…well…it’s hard to explain. He’s not fated to anyone. I…well I love him and I know he feels the same. But we haven’t said it to each other, can’t say it to each other.”
I remembered their goodbye a few days earlier. “Why not?”
Leslie’s violet eyes saddened. “Because it can’t last. Sometime in the next four years I will be called to meet. I’ll have to leave him.”
Mel put a hand on her arm. “But couldn’t you come back?”
Leslie nodded. “I could. Alex has already said he wouldn’t care. But I don’t think I could handle it later. It would be…well, me and him, a baby. And when he finally fated, it would be over. He would leave. It’s just best not to go there.”
“That’s why you looked so sad when he said he was going to be looking for a place for the two of you.” It was starting to make sense.
“He doesn’t think he’ll fate; says that most lions fate by the age of twenty five. He’s thirty three.” She laughed at us. “I know. He looks like he just turned twenty.”
Dawn looked hopeful. “But what if he’s right? What if he doesn’t?”
Leslie shook her head. “What if he does?”
We all thought about what she had just told us. Would I be able to do what she was doing? Live with the man I loved, waking up each day wondering if we had just spent our last night together. I didn’t know.
Mel stood suddenly, her head cocked to one side. She grinned. “Almost better than cell phones,” she laughed and ran outside. She shifted and the black wolf howled.
Faintly, in the distance, three more wolves joined in.
We all stood outside and looked across the clearing. A few minutes later, our impatience was rewarded. Mel gave an excited yip and shifted back as three grey wolves left the cover of the forest. These were joined by a tiger, a lion, and a panther.
Mel was knocked flat by the two smaller grey wolves before they shifted back. She gave them both hugs and laughed. Luke helped her up and pulled her to his chest.
“Did you miss me?”
“Not at all, love. Why are you back so soon?”
Luke snorted and crushed his lips to hers. When he was done they were both breathing hard.
Mel smiled up at him. “Well, maybe I missed you a little.”
Zane lifted Dawn right off the ground and she almost disappeared in his arms.
Alex and Leslie were standing a few feet from each other. Leslie was frowning slightly and I knew she was wondering if he had dreamed of his fated one while he had been away. As if he guessed, he smiled and shook his head. Leslie’s step closed the distance between them and he wrapped her in his arms.
Jasper came trotting up to me, his massive paws sinking into the snow. He was purring. I laughed and he shifted. I gave him a long kiss, my heart pounding with the thrill of holding him again. He hugged me close and his stubble scratched my cheek. It took everything I had not to groan at the thought of it elsewhere on my body.
He smiled at me. “I guess I don’t have to ask you if you missed me or not.”
I blushed. I got off topic before I decided it was acceptable to tear his clothes off in front of everyone. “We decided that since Leslie will be hanging around me, she needs to learn how to fight.”
He laughed. “Yes, that probably is a good idea.”
We all headed inside to start explaining the finer points of self-defense to Leslie.
Chapter Four
It had been a whole month with no fights, abductions, or natural disasters. Of course, that had been before I found myself in the situation I currently found myself in. I was pretty sure it fell into the natural disasters category.
So this was what going into heat feels like, I thought to myself. I tried to remember all the details of the conversation I’d had with Mel on the subject. She had been over having a cup of tea when she noticed that I couldn’t sit still. She’d told me that all beings went into heat, and this only happened after finding the one you were fated with. It could last anywhere from two the five days. She had also said that for wolves, it turned into pure instinct. They had no choice but to shift.
I started pacing. It felt like I was starving or had a craving that I just couldn’t place. I imagined this was what an addict felt like when he needed a fix.
I looked out the window and over the meadow. Most of the snow was gone now.
It was taking every bit of will power I had to stay put and not go track Jasper down. Of course he would have picked yesterday to run to town and grab a few things we needed. And of course I had told him I would stay home because there was a paste I had just made and I needed to keep an eye on it. It had to be put in jars at precisely the right moment or it lost all its healing properties.
The hours passed and the feeling got worse.
When the sun set I went to bed hoping that sleep might give me some relief. I tossed and turned, unable to get comfortable. The fire had died down but it didn’t help the heat I was feeling. I was covered in sweat. My clothes were bothering me and I stripped out of them, pacing some more.
Was it possible to live through three days of this? Maybe Wedelves only had to do it for one, I thought hopefully.
But as day number two started, my hopes for some quick relief died.
My second day went much like the first. By the time night fell again, I should have been exhausted. I hadn’t slept, hadn’t ate, and yet I was still feeling agitated.
I stopped pacing long enough to get a glass of water which I drank without taking a breath.
The door opened and a cold breeze touched my bare skin. I put the glass down and turned around.
Jasper stood in the open doorway, his eyes wide. We stared at each other. There was something different in his eyes and he shook his head like he was trying to clear it.
“Do you want me to leave?” he asked.
I burst out laughing. “Only you, Jasper, would sit there and fight every instinct that you have to make sure this is what I want!”
He shook his head again. “Hayden...” he warned.
I saw the look in his eyes and realized it was a fight he was going to lose if he didn’t leave this instant.
br /> “All I need to know is if you think you’ll have the urge to shift.”
He shook his head, his eyes locked on mine. “No. I don’t feel that at all.”
“Then why won’t you come in?”
He looked like he was having trouble finding words. “I want to make sure this is what you want.”
Something changed in his eyes and he shook his head again.
I took a step toward him and stopped when the look came again. “Jasper,” I tried to find the right words so he would believe I was me talking and not the hormones. “I love you more than anything. Being with you has made me the happiest woman alive. To be able to give you something you have wanted so badly will make me even happier. I want to watch you play with our babies like you play with Tyler and Trent. I want to watch you teach them what you know.” I took a few more steps toward him.
He took one careful step inside and closed the door.
“I want us to have a family together,” I whispered, meaning every word.
“I don’t know what will happen. I won’t shift, I’m sure of that. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t.”
He closed his eyes as I walked up to him and put my hands on his face.
“I don’t think I can fight this,” he whispered.
He opened his eyes and I sucked in a breath. Any little piece of the human Jasper had been keeping in control had lost the battle. His eyes were wild. Even though he was still in human form, Jasper had turned into a tiger. His nostrils flared as he caught my scent. He looked hungry.
I thought I saw a small change in his eyes as he touched my shoulder and brought his face down to nuzzle my neck.
The heat I had been feeling the past couple of days was nothing compared to the scorching waves I felt at his touch.
He reached down and wrapped his arms around my waist. With no effort at all, he carried me and set me on the edge of the bed. He knelt on the ground and kissed the inside of my thighs and I caught my breath as his tongue slipped inside of me.
He started to growl when I grabbed handfuls of his thick curls, but it quickly turned into more of a groan and I knew that somewhere in there Jasper was still fighting to keep the animal in him under control.